A proverb is a short sentence ,generally known sentence of  the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals  and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable  form and which is handed down from generation to generation. Therefore, it is common that they preserve words that became less common in society. At times proverb is rhythmic, including advice sage themes and experiences, comprising simile or irony which is well known among people for its fluent wording, clarity of expression, simplicity and generality, is used either with or without change. Interpreting proverb is often complex. It can easily transferred  from one language to another .There is nothing to say certain as the derivation of proverbs ,the same proverb being often found in so many nations and it is impossible to assign its pertinent. Proverbs are used in conversation by adults more than children. Proverb is a skill that is developed over years. There is a growing interest in deliberately using proverbs to achieve goals, usually to support and promote changes in society. Proverbs which present a value to be emulated or a convention to be observed are attributed to a group and not to a single person. Monitoring the actual use of proverbs in real life situations would give rich detail essential for determining their actual function and meaning. Proverbs are the treasury of culture and history. The major part of the Kashmiri folklore is   full of social protest in the form of proverbs. The value of social protest in Kashmiri proverbs has not been studied in the light of various insights. The present study aims at critical and systematic analysis of Kashmiri proverbs in terms of social protest.


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