Now a day’s quality of life has occupied main concern in development economics. The approach has been shifted from GDP to well being and from well being to sustainable well being.  Quality of life cannot be measured  only in terms of people’s income and wealth, but it also include their health, their capabilities, quality of the environment, where they survive and work, their overall life satisfaction. Moreover not only the quantity of the goods and services, but equality and justice is also important for the welfare. Future circumstances get the equal weight as current situations. So there is need to focus on well-being and progress. 

Strong facts and verification is required to frame better policies. Present study aims to provide recent trends and systematic development in measuring quality of life. Moreover the study is focused to identify the structure for developing multidimensional index to gauge quality of life. The study classifies the range of various indicators to measure well being for policy implications. There are wide discrepancies between economic progress indicators and household well being so measurement of well being has been expanded from macro to household level. 


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