Dr.Pradeep Saraswat


The present study was conducted to compare the pre competition temporal patterning of somatic and cognitive anxiety among male atheletes.30 male athletes from Volleyball game participated in All India intervarsity championship were selected as subjects for the study. The age of the students ranged from 18 to 24 years .The questionnaire used was consist of short form of CSAI-2 by (Cox ,Russel and Robb) for measuring somatic and cognitive anxiety. the questionnaire were administered to subjects at different time durations prior to competition .i.e. two weeks, one week, two days, one day, two hours and thirty minutes prior two competition. The statistical tool used for this study was one way analysis of variance (f-ratio).. The statistical findings pertaining to the somatic anxiety of volleyball Players shows increase from a low level at two weeks prior to competition to a significantly high value just thirty minutes prior to competition .Similarly in the case of cognitive anxiety gradual increase can be seen when the athlete approaches closer to the time of competition.

Keyword: Competitive Sports, Fear and Performance

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