Dr. Hiralal Yadav, Dr. Vivek Panday and Maithili Sharan Tripathi


Physiological study in relation to exercise and actual physical demand during event is very important to critically understand physiological basis of performance. The fatigue causing factors workload, recovery pattern from fatigue etc. should be very specifically understood in real terms. Understanding this background, the research scholar took up  research project to investigate in- depth and detailed Physiological responses of two Long distance running events 5000mts and 10.000mts.For the purpose of this study Lactate response, Blood Glucose, VO2 max. , Respiratory rate, Heart rate and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) were chosen as the Indicators of physiological responses and fatigue of long distance runners. To assess Physiological responses of Long distance runners under simulated competition demands. The modernization and establishment of LNUPE, Human Performance laboratory with most state of art equipments and instrument facilitated conception of this research and selection of variables for this study. The availability of instruments like Lactate scout analyzer and Accu - check analyzer offered data collection and experimentation feasible on field in actual conditions. The fact is that the selected physiological parameters provides basis for performance as well as are significant indicators of performance capacity. In order to analyze the data descriptive statistics and t- test was applied and level of significance was set at 0.05 level. The long distance running events like 5000mts and 10,000mts are not absolutely aerobic event. The anaerobic proportion of Long distance running 5000mts and 10,000mts is of significant level and fatigue caused in these events are due to anaerobic glycolysis and lactate accumulation is also in significant proportion along with aerobic part of the activity. The anaerobic lactate threshold of 5000mts and 10,000mts runners normally starts at 75-80% of VO2 max. Lactate response in terms of recovery from the effect of 5000mts and 10,000mts event is directly proportional to duration of rest and recovery period. This signifies more the duration of rest period better will be the lactate recovery. Heart rate assessment is one of the most effective and comprehensive method to examine load intensity, load factor or fatigue evaluation.

Keywords: Lactate Response, Blood Glucose, VO2 max. , Respiratory rate and Lactate Dehydrogenase.

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