We are living in a modern era of technology which made the proximity of people possible. We can now be in touch with people who are living far away from us which leads to world harmony. Today technology and media has reduced the physical distance of the world. Therefore, events of one country affect other countries. No country is self-dependent. All nations of the world developed and developing countries are inter-dependent. Therefore, international understanding is much talked about. All the countries are suffering from their internal problems yet there is a biggest problem called problem of ceasefire or cross border firing which not only affects one nation but all the nations of the world. These activities are not performed by aliens but by the citizens of the world who are themselves humans and are performing such inhumane acts. World harmony and peace is greatly affected by the anti-social human activities like these which lead to loss of lives of hundreds and thousands of people. As the economy of one country affect the economy of other country; in a similar manner ceasefire activities in one country affects the entire world. There are plenty of ceasefire violation happened in India especially in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is not only affecting our state but is a global problem. For this all the nations need to work together to remove it from its roots and hence leading to a peaceful world. Conferences, meetings and dialogues are going on at global level but there is still something which is lacking in removing this problem. Our government agencies are working continuously to solve these activities. In this paper, the investigators have made an attempt to figure out the problems faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir in context of education, migration from one place to another and basic facilities, how it has become a global problem, what initiatives have been taken by government of India in removing this problem and what more can be done in this regard.


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