ISSN: 2278-0793(Print)
ISSN: 2278-0793(Print)
The present study was aimed to explore the perceived social support with respect to various socio demographic variables. The sample of the present study comprised of 500 working women from different sectors of Srinagar district. The tool used was Multidimensional scale of Perceived social support developed by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, and Farley (1988). Apart from these tools personal data sheet was used to collect personal information from the respondents like organization, marital status, etc. The collected data was analyzed by statistical techniques like descriptive statistics and comparative analysis. The results of comparative analysis revealed that unmarried women, women who hadn’t to perform household chores, women who had assistance available scored significantly higher than their counterparts.The ANOVA revealed that there is no significant difference among working women in levels of qualification with respect to Perceived Social Support.
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