Remote sensing and GIS is a tool which helps to create and manage spatial and non spatial data. Remote sensing is the practice of collecting data by observing at a distance which is most often done by observation of earth surface from above, from either an aircraft or a satellite. Products of such observations are aerial photographs and satellite imageries which are timely, periodic, accurate and reliable spatial data. Integrated computer tools for handling, storing, processing, analyzing and representing of spatial and geo referenced data is called Geographic Information System(GIS). Urban flooding is a major challenge in India since historic times. Settlements are usually situated on riverine or marine banks. Flood risk and vulnerability increases manifold as urbanization expands rapidly in the country. Flood risk is increasing due to global climatic fluctuations whereas vulnerability increases because of the sheer size of the population exposed within urban settlements. As occurrence of floods become frequent, remote sensing and GIS becomes preferable tool for planners for effective flood management. Remote sensing helps to provide accurate and periodic spatial data and GIS helps in creating land suitability analysis and flood zone mapping of towns and cities, which, if, incorporated in preparation of master plans can help in flood management in urban India. Smart city concept can only be realized in realistic terms only by using these technologies for futuristic planning.