Emotional maturity is not only the effective determinant of personality pattern but it also helps to control the growth of adolescents development. Emotional maturity must take account of the full scope of the individuality, power and his ability to enjoy the use of his powers. Emotional maturity and self concept become important in the behavior of individuals. As the students are the pillars of the future generations, their value pattern of emotional maturity and self concept are vital. So the present study intended to measure emotional maturity and self concept among college students of Jammu city out of which 50 were boys and 50 were girls. The researcher used Emotional Maturity Scale by Yashvir Singh and Mahesh Bhargava and Self concept Questionnaire by R.K. Saraswat. Raw scores were subjected to various statistical analyses (mean, S.D., and t-test). The study revealed some new perspectives about the effect of emotional maturity on self concept of adolescents. 


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