Folklore is diverse in nature, variegated in form and has diverse functions in society. It functions as a means of delight and cohesive force in a society. It provides cultural identity and promotes group feeling among the individual and most importantly sharpening the intelligence and preserving the cultural heritage of the society.

Oral folklore in kashmiri language has universally been applauded for its diversity, plenty and antiquity. It has received much attention both by the non-native and native scholars and has been anthologized and even translated into English and some other languages. The folklore has not been studied in the light of various insights from linguistics, anthropology and ethnographies. The anticipated study aims at thorough systematic analysis of oral genre of folklore, (riddles) in terms of its ‘sharpening intelligence and preserving cultural heritage of kashmiri society.’

Though kashmiri oral folklore has been studied quite seriously by many European scholars like Father Hinton Knowles, George Grierson and Aurel Stein and the local scholars have anthologized it quite thoroughly but study of this rich legacy in the light of modern approaches is still an unexplored field of study. The proposed study shall remain restricted to the study of kashmiri riddles as a vehicle of ‘sharpening intelligence and preserving cultural heritage within the limits of kashmiri culture.’

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