The concept of “Tamso Maa Jyortigyma” is for teachers as the teacher is the yardstick that measures the achievement, aspiration, growth and progress of any nation. The worth and potentiality of a country get evaluated and the teacher is an important constituent in the instructional process. The way he handles and manages the students has a profound effect on the future personality of children. University teachers are important as they link school education to the world of work in which students enters after completing their higher studies. When teacher faces problems such as anxiety, depression, frustration etc., it interferes with the satisfactory performance of his role.  Frustration may also bring about downfall and divergence because it hinders higher order thinking, logical reasoning and concentration which otherwise would have been utilized somewhere else in constructive and innovative work which hampers job satisfaction. The aim of the present research paper is to examine the frustration tolerance as predictors of job satisfaction of university teachers. The research sample consists of 200 teachers of the Aligarh district of U.P. The data were collected using questionnaires and the results showed a positive correlation between frustration tolerance and job satisfaction among university teachers.


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